
Many families that seek out our care do so because their child is having issues getting proper sleep. Not only is lack of sleep interfering with their healing and mood, it's also exhausting, mentally and physically, for the parents and family.
How can chiropractic care and network spinal in Orlando FL affect a baby's sleep pattern?
Research shows that children under chiropractic care have significant improvements in time taken to fall asleep, number of consecutive hours of sleep, and depth and quality of sleep.
Chiropractic care and network spinal works directly with the nervous system, assisting the body to get in a parasympathetic state (rest and digest). In order to have proper restorative sleep, the body has to be in a parasympathetic dominant state. Everyday stressors (physical, mental, and chemical) can lead the body to be in a sympathetic (fight or flight) dominant state.
How do we assess the nervous system at IWC?
We safely can identify areas of nervous system interference by using the CLA INSiGHT Scanner, which uses advanced thermography and electromyography technology. This technology provides invaluable information on how spinal stress can trigger deeper health issues. Having this information allows us to provide the best possible care for the whole family!
At IWC, we focus our care around the nervous system in a safe and effective way. If you have a child who is struggling to sleep, we're here to help! Call our team at Integrate Wellness Center in Orlando to schedule an appointment or ask any questions that you may have at 407-203-5138.
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Integrate Wellness Center
4625 Halder Lane Suite B
Orlando, FL 32814
(407) 203-5138