Integrate Wellness Center Blog

Chiropractor Orlando FL Scherina Alli Dads

Men’s health and Dads need nervous system care too!

Men’s health and Dads need nervous system care in Orlando too! Dads are typically the last ones in the family to seek out wellness care. It’s very common in our society for men to bottle up emotional and physical pain. But now more than ever, men need nervous system care in Orlando. On average, 1…

Chiropractor Orlando FL Dr. Alli Nervous System Function

Nervous System Function with Chiropractic Care

Nervous System Function With Chiropractic Care “The first two years of a child’s life are the most influential developmental period in the post-natal development. This is the time when 90% of their neurological foundation and potential is being formed. At no other time in our lives is the expression and development of our human potential…

Chiropractic Orlando FL Nuchal Cord

Nuchal Cord and Nervous System Interference

Nuchal Cord and Nervous System Interference 10-29% of babies are born with their umbilical cord wrapped around their neck (nuchal cord). In most cases, this doesn’t alter the ability to have a vaginal birth without any complications. Nurchal Cord and Nervous System Interference in Orlando The cord, however, can add extra stress to the upper…

Chiropractic Orlando FL Stressed Out Nervous System

Instead of Labeling Kids With ‘Behavioral Issues’ Think ‘a Stressed Out Nervous System’!

Chiropractic care and Network Spinal For Torticollis What is torticollis in Orlando???? Torticollis is a condition where a child’s head is tilted to one side while the chin is tilted in the opposite direction, making it appear “twisted.” There are 2 types of torticollis in Orlando Congenital: present from birth, and most often caused by…

Chiropractic Orlando FL Sensory Overload

Sensory Overload and How Chiropractic Helps!

Chiropractic care and Network Spinal For Torticollis What is torticollis in Orlando???? Torticollis is a condition where a child’s head is tilted to one side while the chin is tilted in the opposite direction, making it appear “twisted.” There are 2 types of torticollis in Orlando Congenital: present from birth, and most often caused by…

Chiropractic Orlando FL Baby

Chiropractic, Network Spinal and the VAGUS Nerve!

Chiropractic care and Network Spinal For Torticollis What is torticollis in Orlando???? Torticollis is a condition where a child’s head is tilted to one side while the chin is tilted in the opposite direction, making it appear “twisted.” There are 2 types of torticollis in Orlando Congenital: present from birth, and most often caused by…